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activity of accelerator
硫化促进剂活性  detail>>
 n.  1.加速者;加速器;催速剂。 2.【汽车】加速踏板。 3.【摄影】催显剂。  detail>>
 n.  1.活动;活跃;动作;活动力;能动性。 2.活性;放射性。 3.机能,功能。 4.〔美国〕机构。 5.〔pl.〕 活动范...  detail>>
be in activity
在活动中  detail>>
with activity
精力充沛地  detail>>
about the accelerator
有关加速器  detail>>
acc accelerator
累加器  detail>>
accelerator (or promotor)
加速器,促进剂,助触媒  detail>>
accelerator a-32
硫化促进剂a-32  detail>>
accelerator absorption
加速剂吸收量  detail>>
accelerator acelerador
加速器  detail>>
accelerator activator
促进活化剂  detail>>
accelerator anode
加速阳极  detail>>
accelerator aperture
加速器孔径  detail>>
accelerator az
硫化促进剂az  detail>>
accelerator board
加速板  detail>>
accelerator breeding
加速砌殖  detail>>
accelerator by induction
感应加速器  detail>>